Thursday, April 30, 2009


My last travel experience of the semester was to the ever so famous Netherlands city of Amsterdam. I met up with Abbey and her roommate again for a very interesting weekend. I first arrived at our choice of hospitality to find out that our hotel was not in fact a hotel, but quite a dump of a hostel. After climbing 5 sets of the steepest stairs I have ever climbed with a 10kg backpack on my back was exhausted. The first night I arrived I was not feeling 100%, I was still getting over the nasty sickness I had after travel break, so I decided to take it easy and go grab something to eat, do some work and get to bed. I soon found out that our fancy hostel did not have wireless, so getting any work done was not happening, so I just went to bed.

I woke up refreshed and ready to get out and see what Amsterdam had to offer. We stopped at the bagel place where Abbey and Josie had already made friends and hit the town. We walked around their main shopping district and explored the red light district. Their red light district was nothing like anything I have ever seen before "coffeeshops" were not only coffee was sold but marijuana. I was knew this was how it was going to be but actually seeing it was so bizarre to me. We soon ran into the actual red light district where another culture shock awaited me. I am sure everyone understands what goes on in a red light district, and I knew too but this was a little over the edge and kind of sad for me to see. But I am learning about different cultures over here correct? right. Well after we learned, we knew enough and we stayed away from that area for the rest of our weekend.

We spent the rest of our weekend exploring the parks, laying out in the beautiful weather, touring the Anne Frank house, and going on a canal cruise. it was actually quite a relaxing weekend but I am all traveled out. I am done seeing churches and tourists sites. I am done taking photos. and I am done packing and flying cheap air lines (which end up being not that cheap after all... believe me I know after paying 60 euro for my luggage being over weight on my last trip... ughhh)

The next time I travel I will be coming back home the the US and be back with my family which I am ALL too excited for! Don't get me wrong, I love it here and now that the weather has gotten beautiful I am enjoying every second that I have left, but I am ready to be back home, drive my car, have my cell phone, actually get IDed at the bars, understand the conversations around me, and spend some time with my family and friends back home!

As always my photos from the weekend!

Amsterdam album

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