Monday, February 16, 2009

Month One. Check.

It has already been just about a month since my arrival in Copenhagen. Though, I still feel it seems that my stress-filled arrival was just last week....

My dorm like room with the smallest kitchen I have ever seen, has now become "home,"

my new late night diet of hot dogs has become a routine Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights (no not really, but almost),

My pronunciation of this crazy Danish language is becoming a little more understandable, I think?

My commute to and from school has become enjoyable, now that I don't stress about where to get off,

And My random common-room acquaintances who let me tag a long my first night in TÃ¥singegade, and my survival danish classmates have become my good friends and travel companions whom I adore!

As this month has gone by, the days have started to get longer and the sun has even managed to find it's way though Copenhagen's constant dense cloud cover. I enjoyed my two days of sun last week with a chilly afternoon run and a beautiful valentines day of strolling down the center of Copenhagen on the longest pedestrian street in the Europe, Strøget. My sunny valentines day consisted of an enjoyable day of shopping for gifts for myself... and I must say, I did quite the job! The streets were overflowing with people shopping, eating, walking dogs, or just sitting outside taking in as much sun as they could retain. It was actually quite amazing to see the change in pace of this city when the sun comes out. You can not just see the energy, but you can actually feel the energy that the a little sunlight bring to the people in Copenhagen.

But as I predicted, the sunny days did not last long, as I woke up to about an inch of snow on the ground and still falling this morning, oh, and clouds... It just may be the Wisconsinite in me, but as I sat at the bus stop today, the snow really had a beauty to it too,nothing compared to the sun, but it was a light snowfall that reminded me of a snow that I enjoy at home.

Also check out the website I designed and did all the HTML coding on my own for one of my classes here. Jennifer Dubman. It is a work in progress still so I will be updating it as the semester goes on!

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