Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eurpoe as your classroom.

I am officially in Copenhagen safe and sound, still a little jet lagged but happy and just loving the city. But wow, it has been an interesting couple days and to say the least, very stressful.

To start off my trip I arrived here to find out that my luggage did not make my connecting flight in Newark. That’s not all though, I got a call on Friday before I left saying that the apartment that I was supposed to stay in had flooded due to a pipe burst. This was very unfortunate, but my program set me up in temporary housing. I was in a single room without much contact with other students. I was not a huge fan, but I figured I could stand it for a few nights. I come to find out that there was too much damage to my apartment for me to be able to move in. I talked to the housing coordinator and they were able to switch me in to a new housing situation that was more dorm like with lots of students. I moved again and my luggage arrived. I think that I am finally in permanent housing and I love it here! I have already met some really fun students. Moving twice and having no luggage for two days was not ideal but I managed.

I did try to make it through this mess with a smile on my face the whole time but it was definitely difficult and extremely stressful on me in a new country without a permanent home and no luggage. I am glad to say that those first days are over.

Enough about the bad things that happened, I am beginning to get a good look at Copenhagen as a city and it’s beautiful in its own cloudy, rainy way. The buildings are so unique, and the Danes are very friendly and fun people. My program is great and they are taking great care of us and making sure we know are way around and get to see a lot of the city.

Tonight was especially cool because the inauguration was on. DIS (my program) had it streamed on to a huge screen in an auditorium it was really cool to be able to be around so many Americans yet be in a foreign country to watch such an historical event. The Danish news was even there to catch some footage of the "young Americans" watching the inauguration

Here are som photos from the past few days!

Chicago for my last night in the States!

Obama inauguration in Copenhagen!

Tomorrow I am going on a scavenger hunt all around the city I will have some good Copenhagen pics soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie!

    I am glad to hear everything is finally coming together for you over there. I had a number today call me 0000123456 twice. lol would that have been you? I have my phone on ring but I was in a meeting!!! urgh

    How was the scavenger hunt? I bet exciting!!

    What is your address?

    Just wanted to say HI!
    Love you
    miss you
