Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Interesting things I have noticed after being here a week now...

1) Mothers will leave their child in the stroller outside of a store while they do their own thing.

2) Their toilets have two ways you can flush, a light flush and.... well, a heavier flush.

3) They bike EVERYWHERE

4) You do not have to show a pass to get on a train it is just trusted that you have your ticket or pass. The Police will occasionally check the train cars ( it has not happened to me once and I ride atleast twice a day) it is a 600 dkk fine if you do not have a ticket though!

5) Open container law. There is none, and its great.

6) They don't have an equivalent word for "please"

7) The Danes are very quite people, but will talk to you if you initiate

8) Grocery stores are the hardest to navigate when you are unfamiliar with the language. They make me really nervous.

Through all these discoveries I am becoming more and more fond of this country and it's people and it's government as well, though, I don't think it would work in America, it works quite well here and everyone is happy!

Speaking of government. Today I went with my political rhetoric class (we don't have classes on Wednesday, they are open for field studies) went to the Parliament building to hear about the Social Democrat's party and their campaigning. It was quite interesting and extremely different from the way things are done in the US. They only have three weeks to do their campaigning....three weeks. They are not allowed to have commercials. And there are like 9 political parties. Like I said, very different but it seems to work out well.

My day starts at 8:30 am tomorrow with four classes back to back. I am jumping into my small Ikea bed and calling it a night.

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